Wednesday, June 11, 2008

home sweeeet home

It's good to be back homee! haha even though Barcelona and London was so much fun, I like to be sleeping in my own bed if you know what I mean. Anyways, here are a few of the outfits i've been wearing lately as well as a few pictures from my trip. 
dress-primark, belt- mom's closet, shoes- santee

So while shopping in Harrods in London, I stumbled across my CHANEL BICYCLE. It's only my dream bike. When I saw it I kneww I had to at least take a picture with it. Good thing we got one in before we started getting yelled at because apparently, you are not allowed to take pictures with it. hehe:)

jacket from old navy- $30, fringe boots- $140, chanel bike- $12000, me and my dream bike- PRICELESS!! :)
(haha i know that was lame.)

One of my favorite parts of the trip was when we got to see the Wedding Exhibition hosted by Pronovias and Swarovski. It was soooooo beautiful. It was a collaboration between a whole bunch of designers and Swarovski (i cant remember which designer did which piece). Anyway here are a few of my favorites.

And here's what I wore to the event.
Jumper and Sunglasses- F21, Belt- Ferragamo, Shoes- Old Navy

Anyways, seeing CC's interpretation of the SJP dress inspired me to try to make my own. Although I don't have a pink dress, I thought that this outfit could give me my fix until I could find one of my own.
dress- H&M, belt- CK, shoes- F21

thats all for now! :) 



Anonymous said...

I have that same black jumper from F21, and I always get so many compliments! Look great!

Miss.Russe Femme Fatale said...

I love that Chanel bike!Id love one to! But the price tag! I also love that tutu like wedding dress from the exhibition and I love your shoes!

terren said...

Aww, yay! you saw that bike. and those wedding dresses! and your playsuit thing and the sjp outfit. all super cute!

Sharon said...

Welcome home and I so love this last dress!!

Fashion Addict said...

you are so pretty and you're outfits are extra cute!!!

I was wondering if you would like to do a link exchange with me....

nv said...

love the shoes from F21, the lace up ones. theyre so cute. unfortunately the f21 canada site has a very bad selection of, well, everything. I wish they'd ship the US items to canada :( *sigh

Fashion Addict said...

thanks for adding my link!

NICOLE said...

must have black jumper...must have...

ill informed said...

cool dresses. i thought about ordering those shoes. I think you've confirmed my decision to buy that jumper! looks great on you!

Richel said...

these are all wonderful outfits!

Andy said...

Greeeeeeeat :)
It seems that you had a great time.
hahaha firstable when i saw your picture about the bike, i saw it and i said : omg, it's impossible. she was at chanel with..HER BIKE ?!hahaha!!!
cute outfits..

check my blog, i added something new :) tell me what you think


Margaux said...

love the jumper & the picture with the bike.

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

You look like nicole richie in that picture with the jumper, you should put them side by side for comparison!

nice that your glad your bag, there is something comforting about one's own bed.

Anonymous said...

very cute, i really liek the f21 shoes. tell us more bout the trip!

saray said...

I love the Jumper with the belt!

Anonymous said...

Fab Ebony Jumpsuit