Okay, so I went to Savers a week ago and I bought a dress that almost perfectly resembles SJPs dress in the Sex and the City movie (the pink one in AC's previous post)! It's a vintage bloomingdales piece. I'd wear it with a studded belt but I dont really have one. However, today when I went to this antique store I luckily found a vintage gold cinch belt that pairs perfectly with it. AND, I ran into a pair of vintage Oscar De La Renta pumps! I would keep them but they barely fit. They're a whole size too small so off they go to the Ebay store. But I tried wearing them in the pictures anyway. Yes, I know I need to iron/steam the dress. I'm so lazy unless it comes to shopping. I don't ever get hungry while shopping. It's a good way to diet? Just kidding, starving yourself is definitely not the way. A good healthy diet and excercise, ladies! Okay enough rambling! :)

dress: vintage bloomingdales, jacket: H&M, shoes: vintage oscar de la renta
The dress looks absolutely gorgeous on-you are keeping this, aren't you!! I also go without food on shopping trips-ha ha!!
Wow, you look amazing in this! You are even outshining SJP with this!
I totally agree with The Kitten:)) It's a very pretty dress and the belt makes it wow:) And your legs are amazing!
so very chic!
wow that dress is an amazing color, looks just like carries
wooww i love it! now you just need a studded belt and get the dior knockoffs at bakers and you'll have an identical outfit ;) looks great
that dress looks so cute with that belt!
you look better then SJP.. I really like the dress with the golden belt :)
you look amazing!
absolutely fab!!!!! totally hit the nail on the head, love!!!! that belt is amazing!!
great dress and that belt is a total find!
wow i am obsessed with this dress!!! so cute!
Great color on you! The dress itself is amazing, very classy!
so sweet dress
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