Sunday, June 8, 2008

Quilts and Chains

I REALLY like quilted bags and chain straps. Such as the classic quilted Chanel. I just recently scored a vintage one at a Salvation Army (black bottom right). Pretty awesome! :) and I also bought this bright blue quilted bag with gold chain straps (blue one in the front). I bought it for my ebay store but I am falling in love. But then again I'm going broke so I could use the extra cash. Especially with the climbing gas prices. It's so insane. Oh, and AC is back! I'm absolutely jealous of all her buys. You guys have to check it out. We'll get some pictures of them ASAP!
New outfit! The top is actually a long silk dress folded and tucked into my jeans and skirt. I don't know how to work it as a dress so I wore it as a top. And on the right is the most awesome vintage high waisted skirt. The color is what caught me first though. I'm really liking blue these days. Come to think of it... I think blues my favorite color. It's like the only color that doesn't have an ugly shade. For example: green, there are a lot of ugly shades of green. And red, orange, yellow... the whole rainbow haha except blue. Well then again thats just my opinion.
And last, Before I end this post I wanted to know if anyone had requests for my ebay store. If theres anything you guys are looking for in particular. I usually just look for whats cute but I think I should start to find things that people are looking for specifically.


Sharon S said...

Wow-your bag collection is great-I'm in love-ha ha!! The dress as a top is gorgeous and looks brilliant with the blue skirt-well done on your finds!!

terren said...

indeed. oddly (or not oddly) enough, i keep a (growing) list of things that i want/must have. currently at the top: gingham things, jeans jumpers, studded belts, stripe-y things, nautical...

Ella Gregory said...

I adore quilted bags, your collection makes me want to steal from you! ha ha!

Miss.Russe Femme Fatale said...

I am insanely jealous of you're Chanel bag collection.I would KILL for ANY of these bags!! I love them all!! x

Andy said...

Good bag collections.
Are they all true?


Rich Hippie said...

i love that blue one!!!!

Tricia said...

love the dress with the skirt! i do this all the time, too.

heartu,kisses said...

did you seriously score a chanel quilted bag at salvation army?! wow!