Thursday, May 22, 2008

may 22

Hey everyone, as promised, here are my purchases as well as some of cc's too. We had a mini photoshoot to show you guys (we're photoshop newbies so dont mind it). :) So first, here are mine.

skirt-AA, bag-H&M, sunglasses & sandals- some random stand at Santee Alley

I've had my eye on this skirt for a while but wasn't sure how it would look on me. I tried it on a bunch of times before but never bought it until CC convinced me that it didn't look bad on me. The bag I was really iffy about but decided that if I didn't purchase it that day, it would be gone forever and I would regret it. Well it's a reallyy good thing that I bought it because it is my new FAVORITE purse. :) It's always the perfect something to boost up my outfit without looking like I'm trying too hard. love it! :) I know the sandals are nothing new, but for $20 I had to. It was such a deal. And I was due for a new brown pair anyway.

jacket and leggings- AA, sandals-Forever 21

I've been looking at these leggings for a while as well. I had bought a pair earlier this year but returned them thinking that it would be too hard to pair with in an outfit but as I saw more and more pictures of other people wearing them, it became clear that they go with almost anything. Also the jacket was just a basic that I needed. You can never get too much AA. And now on to the sandals. So all of my friends know that I LOVE fringe, feathers and basically anything Native American inspired. So when CC pointed out these sandals at F21 it was basically my dream come true. I have my other fringe boots but since summer is coming I knew that I needed a pair of sandals that had the fringe. There were a few contenders but this one was the clear winner.
Here are some of CC's latest vintage purchases. It's always hard to go and rummage through everything. It definitely takes patience but we always come out with some good stuff.

jacket, tunic, purse - thrifted
The denim jacket I got a while back and it seroiusly is one of the best things for this summer. It goes with just about anything. I got it for $7 and it was more than worth it. As for the animal print tunic, I love the fact that you can dress it up with some nice pumps and sheer tights or wear it casually (as done above). The messenger bag was another great find. It goes with anything and it fits all my junk whether it be for school or going out.

fringe vest, boots - thrifted
I am in love with this leather fringe vest. It looks black but its actually navy blue. It would go great with a vintage t-shirt and leggings or shorts. There was one problem though, I thought the fringes were a bit too long for my height. So I was thinking about giving them a little trim. What do you guys think? As for my boots, they're actually from Nine West. Awesome find right? haha well until next time.
-AC & CC


like a fox said...

yeah i agree about the vest. i think a little trim would help. thats not to say that it isnt SO FREAKING COOL. im secretly in love with all your purchases. however i am loving in particular the fringed sandals. i am also a massive fan of anything and everything native american inspired. i just bought some wicked fringed moccasin ankle boots yesterday in tan. they also come in black so i may have to snatch them up to. you will see them very soon on my blog.
so, to conclude this very long comment - well done ladies on all your purchases, im so JEALOUS.

love like a fox. xo.

like a fox said...

ps. just wanted to let you know that ive added the link to your fabulous blog on my page!

Anonymous said...

you guys are really cute :)

Anonymous said...

hahaa i didnt even notice at first one of you girls are wearing them linking you guys now :)

Ella Gregory said...

I have a very similar bag to your H&M one
sadly it doesn't have studding!

Richel said...

I love the gladiators in the first photo.

Sharon said...

These items are so cool and stylish!! Do you want to trade links-I like your posts!!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Wow I love the vest! And the studded bag in the first image is great!

lc said...

ahh i saw that bag at h&m and thought about getting it, but put it aside because i thought i could find something like it at a thrift store. and now i think i want it again. but you guys pulled in a great haul.

Miss.Russe Femme Fatale said...

Hey I was wondering if I could possibly link you as you , like me, are an up and coming blog that is just starting out!
My address is:

karla deras said...

love those leather leggings. I've been toying with the idea of buying a pair. how are they?

J.M. Powell said...

oh my god what an amazing thrift find i'm LOVING that vest!!!

Anonymous said...

cuuute outfits--- and i love this vest, i found a brown one just like this in my old dress-up box & i can't wait ot wear it out somewhere