So here is our very first official post. But before we start we would like to give you guys a quick little introduction. Hi, we are AC
& CC. We are two girls trying to share our very different perspective and dimensions of fashion through a blog. And hopefully to inspire those who fancy our individuality. We also hope to recieve opinions from other great minds(you) to see what we might be lacking or if there is any excessiveness that we should lose. So bring on the comments, love or hate, we will appreciate. It's great to be an open-minded person. Especially when it comes to style. - AC & CC
looking forward to your upcoming posts!
hey there ladies. greetings from australia.
i just have to say SNAP! i just started my own fashion blog today too. hopefully we can help get each other started.
CHECK OUT MY BLOG. www.commeunrenard.blogspot.com
love like a fox. xox.
hey iv just started my blog aswell, excited for seeing your posts :)
That photo is quite cute.
Congrats on your first post!! Can't wait to see what you guys come up with.
congrats! look forward to your 1st post!
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