Tuesday, May 27, 2008

May 27

The weather here in CA has been out of control. As you guys might of heard, theres been tornados, floods, thunderstorms. Anyways, here are some outdoor shots we took before this madness. We love the Summer!

fedora, tanktop, denim shorts-U.O., boots-vintage

dress, sunglasses, headband - F21

-AC & CC


Sharon said...

Oh yes, lovely pictures-we have had torrential downpours here in Essex!!

like a fox said...

beautiful photos girls. freakishly similar to a photo shoot a did last month. scary... great minds think alike! im a huge fan of the bright sun and wicked silhouettes.

i love the fedora - i would zip out and get that one right now if we had urban outfitters in australia! I LOVE IT. even though i have about 5 fedoras already. i may have an addiction.


like a fox said...


check out my blog to see what i mean....


roxanne said...

lovely pictures! i'd say how jealous i am that it's still holding out on warm weather on the east coast, but i think the cold spell has finally broken - time to break out the summer wardrobe!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely landscape and outfit ! ;)

. said...

You girls have a great vintage vibe.

Shes Dressing Up said...

Wow amazing photos!!