Monday, May 26, 2008


I am so excited becausee in a few short days.. im going to be off to Europe(barcelona, london, paris)! :) but of course with the coming of travels like this comes the dread of PACKING. :( so any suggestions on what kind of outfits to wear? and also if any of you are familiar with the shopping over there! haha please help! i've never been. :) thanks!



Miss.Russe Femme Fatale said...
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Miss.Russe Femme Fatale said...

Hey I had to delete the previous post I made a typo error!
But thanks for adding me and linking me! I suggest if you are going to London to check out the Oxford Street Topshop. Im presuming you've heard of Topshop-this London store is supposed to be amazing! You should also check out Camden Markets, Portabello Road and Spitalfield markets. Thats what I have gathered from people in the know. As for Paris try finding flea markets and visit the Galleries De Layfayette (I think that is how it is spelt) Its across from some Opera House. Whilst in Paris I thorougly recommend purchasing tickets for the Red Bus Tour you can hop on and off at many famous sights!Visit the Musee D'Orsay for some exquist Impressionist paintings by my favourite artiste Edgar Degas. But then again I could just be biased lol :)

Jen (MahaloFashion) said...

I'm so jealous, tell us all about your wonderful european adventures!

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for stopping by my blog! I recently did a post on shopping in London-please feel free to check it out-click on my previous post for London! it does echo a lot of what miss russe femme fatale says, but I also have a link to vintage shopping if you are into this!! Have a wonderful, wonderful trip-you're very lucky!!

Miss.Russe Femme Fatale said...

Hey in reply to your comment in London the weather is unpredictable so bring clothes for both cold, wet and sunny and warm weather!A good pair of shoes and a good coat and umberella is vital. And also you should check out Primark! Its a department store with very cheap clothing-its where I got that jumpsuit and shirt on my blog from. As for Paris its probably a bit warmer than London but still be prepared.

giggleness said...

woaah. im jealous. :]
welll i would bring summery dresses but then again europe is pure rainy. so you need a good coat. :)
really, in europe you need clothes for ALL weathers. haha. reallyyy.

Anonymous said...

oh lucky girl pack lots of flats you'll be walking around a lot but also back some clubing outfits!

geri hirsch said...

ohh amazing!! have so much fun and dont miss the flea markets!!

edith said...

when in paris, search for guerrisol chain of dirt cheap thrift stores, freep star on rue st croix de la bretonnerie, and a little thrift store nearby on rue des rosiers with 5 euro stripey sailor shirts...

bon voyage!


alloftheabove said...

Thanks everyone for all your help!! :) i am leaving in one hour! :) promises of pictures and updates as soon as i'm back!
<3 AC